Unlike other trending high-street purchases, designer handbags are versatile pieces that can transcend different seasons, making them a practical choice of accessory investment. However, they come at very expensive prices so buying one is a big decision to take and often comes with an obvious expectation that they will last long.
As a big investment purchase, it is normal that you would want your luxury bag to look just as beautiful as the day you bought it. Unfortunately, no matter how its price tag guarantees a certain level of quality, your Louis Vuitton, Hermes, or Chanel bag will not stand the test of time forever. If you choose to carry your designer handbag on a regular basis, it will be subject to a certain level of wear.
Leather handbags made from natural leather are guaranteed to look good as new even after three years of purchase. But with proper care, your bag’s lifespan can be extended to 30 years, and its shape and quality can be maintained. Use the following tips for proper handbag care.
- Store them properly
Since luxury handbags are mostly made of leather, proper storage is a crucial part of preserving them. Leather has the tendency to lose its shape while being kept, so store your designer handbags upright and away from direct sunlight.
Stuff them with soft, dry materials like acid-free tissue paper, scarves, and other fabric. Tina Craig of Bag Snob reminds owners never to use newspaper as a filling because its ink may transfer to the bag’s lining. Additionally, if the bag has chain link straps, they must also be put inside the bag to avoid leaving marks on the leather.
Finally, to optimize protection, do not pile bags on top of one another but rather place them individually in their original dust bags or boxes when not in use. If you’ve already lost the original dust bag or box, use a cotton pillowcase and not plastic or non-breathable materials that may encourage moisture buildup.
If you happened to notice a small sachet of silica gel in your bag when you bought it, it is there to absorb excess moisture in the air instead of the bag absorbing it. Keep this silica gel pack because it will be useful during storage. But in case you don’t have it, investing in a dehumidifier will be helpful.
Sometimes, the weather in some cities brings in humidity that can result in mold growth on the surfaces of leather handbags. In case of mold growth, take out the bag from the dust bag and wipe it with a soft, dry cloth. Keep it outside for the next 24 hours to completely dry out.
- Remove stains right away
As soon as you see a stain on your designer handbag, remove it because it will be harder to remove once it stays on the material for a long time. The removal technique depends on the source of the stain.
A water stain may be removed by drying it out naturally. Food or blood stain can be removed using white chalk powder by letting it sit on the stain overnight before dusting it off with a clean cloth. Pen marks can be harder to remove, but if the ink is still fresh, use a white eraser and rub it lightly on the stain. However, avoid using too much pressure or make sure it doesn’t also remove the natural color of the leather. If it doesn’t disappear right away, bring the bag to a professional.
If the stain also includes an odor, you may put a baking soda pack inside the bag. Ensure the baking soda pack is zipped properly and the bag is open to release the odor. The baking soda acts as an absorber of the foul smell.
- Watch what you put inside
Protecting the interior of your designer handbag is equally important as protecting its exterior. One way to do it is by paying attention to what you put inside.
For roomy bags, you may use a pouch organizer to store loose objects like makeup and pens. If they are left open by mistake, the bag’s inner lining may be damaged. Bottles with lids containing liquids must also be tightly closed to avoid spillage and creating further damage to the bag.
Lastly, do not overload your bag as this can distort its shape and damage the leather.
- Use the right care products
Leather must be cleaned once to twice a year using a cleaner designed for genuine leather. Avoid using DIY cleaners as they can ruin the leather. Apply the cleaner in circular motions, and remove any excess solution using a damp cloth.
To help prevent stains, protective sprays are also available. Before using one, test the spray on one corner of the bag to make sure it does not cause discoloration. Sprays containing alcohol or mineral spirits must be avoided as they cause drying and discoloration.
Another care product you may find useful is a leather cream or balm. This preserves the “new” look and feels of your bag. When applying, use a soft pad or microfiber cloth for maximum results.
- Take them to a professional
While the tips above can be done conveniently at home, there are some occasions when your designer handbag needs a hand of a professional you trust. These include tough stains, tears, rips, pulls, and broken zippers. Some brands take care of cleaning, repair, and restoration needs to keep your designer handbag looking new. Furthermore, experts confirm that regular visits to a handbag spa increase the bag’s lifespan and resale value.
If you are considering selling your designer handbag later, these care tips become even more important. Keep everything that came with your purchase, such as the box, tissue paper, and receipt, to get the best resale value.
Check out Biltmore Loan and Jewelry to discover the value of your designer handbag possessions.