Host: Alright, well are you a collector? Or maybe you think you are? You might have some fine jewelry in your jewelry box handed down or
something you’ve collect along the way and today, what do you think they might be worth? But do you really know what they might be worth. I’ll tell you who does. David Goldstein of Biltmore Loan. He’s here to tell us how he actually can help you discover that and I’ve already heard an amazing story. Oftentimes, people will send photos in which you can do yourself of items you have. It’s whatever, right David? Art, jewelry, carves, land.
David: Crystal, cars, land, literally what we do is monetize a product. So if jewelry is a big part of our business, crystal, art, is a very big part of our business. Lands and cars are a very big part of our business. And today we’re just showing you samples of the different things that we may have.
Host: Okay, here’s what you don’t know. You don’t know what you don’t know because here, this is a great example. Come over here and show this nice and close up for me if you will. Somebody brought this into you…
David: One of my favorites.
Host: Okay and not sure was exactly the reasoning was but you, what did they think this was worth?
David: They inherited this ring. And if you look at it, it look like just a two-stoned pearl ring with some little diamonds in it. And then, we did some research and looked at it and something about the pearl is just, my 35 years as a gemologist kept telling me this more to this. So I looked further and I found the Tiffany mark on it. And then I went and sent the pearls off to GIA and these are natural pearls.
Host: Which means, okay, I always think of, well a pearl’s natural, you know, it comes out of a…
David: Right. Which is where the experience of myself in Biltmore come into play. Because a natural pearl is a pearl that is created in the mollusk of the shell without any instigation. So in theory…
Host: How do you know it’s natural?
David: Because they x-ray it.
Host: Shush up.
David: Yes, these are actually x-rayed.
Host: Okay, see that’s what we’re talking about. That’s about the difference of finding expertise– someone who knows what they’re doing and if, uhh, do you know if they took this in in anybody else to find out what the value was?
David: They did. And of course they were told it was a pro ring and I don’t even wanna tell you the value that they figured it. Because I take the time cause it was so little it was almost embarrassing.
Host: No way, okay.
David: Because pearls are not that desirable today and except natural pearls.
Host: Okay, so you valued it at what?
David: We paid for this ring $8,000.
Host: $8,000. Okay you gotta tell me what did the other guys say.
David: They gonna offer it for $800.
Host: Sush up.
David: They did. And I don’t like to talk about what people offer and what they do different than us. But we show Tiffany Van Cleef Cartier pieces or Fred or Louis Vuitton, Chanel, any of these finer pieces,
Host: This finer pieces down here that we’re referring to.
David: You will really see the Biltmore difference and that’s what we do- we study it to bring the most we can to the customer. It should be a win-win situation.
Host: Because if you’ve watched our show our show for any length of time, even when David brings on not just jewelry pieces, David, which I know that is absolutely your forte, but, um, your passion is in so many other things. Even something as simple, I’m gonna just recall a situation where you brought in a designer hand bag. And you pointed out as simple as just stitching on it that set it apart from everything else by thousands of dollars.
David: And that’s really, If I didn’t have that expertise, or our team didn’t have that expertise, would be just like everyone else. What we try to do is look for the eclectic, look for the unusual, try to get a win-win situation cause in most times and many times, people will bring in a piece and then they wanna trade it for something else.
Host: Oh my gosh. Okay, real quick, what’s the value of this beautiful blinging necklace? I was holding it.
David: That necklace is a $120,000 and it was $400,000 in Tiffany originally.
Host: Oh my gosh. Okay, see? That’s what I’m talking about. You don’t know what you just don’t know. You gotta let the experts handle it. So here’s what you do, you have something, perhaps you need a little short-term loan, perhaps you’re looking to sell, you can send a photo of it with a description of it to biltmore loan at Info@
You can also take that item, whatever it may be, if it’s too big, send a picture. (480) 991-5626 (LOAN) That’s the Scottsdale location, they’re newest location. You could look at or if there’s something you saw on the table that you have to have, visit