Items In and Around Your House That You Can Get a Loan For

Household Items That Can Be Used for a LoanAs of the latest report, the unemployment is currently below 7% in 23 of the 50 states. Positive news indeed, but what if you’re part of the remaining 22% and after relying on the government’s help for the unemployed, you still can’t find a decent job to sustain you?

Unemployment can be one of the toughest times in any person’s life. Whether you got terminated or a friend or family member got laid off, feelings of frustration are felt within the radius of that unfortunate person. With unemployment rates like these, no wonder the growth of loan companies is at a high. It’s common to see unemployed individuals put up their real estate for quick cash until their next job or to try their luck in setting up a new business.

If you’re having the toughest of luck when it comes to money, here are some items around your house that you may shrug off as trash, but can be turned into cash.

Motorcycles – can’t part ways with your decade old Harley? What if this is the only way for you to extend your mortgage or put more food on the table? A lot of loan companies or collateral loan providers accept motorcycles such as a Yamaha for a loan.

Boat – boat title loans for your sea ray, chris craft or bayliner. Get the best value for your boat by choosing a reputable appraiser or loan company. Do you have a jetski you haven’t used in a while but is in tip top shape? Try to have it appraised, who knows what amount it will fetch?

RV – your kids have all grown up, and although you’re living comfortably, extra cash as savings won’t hurt you one bit. Take out your RV or recreational vehicle such as airstream, coachmen or holiday rambler and have it cleaned first from top to bottom and put it up for an RV title loan.

– There’s an extra Rolex from the good old days of your grandfather just sitting prettily inside your velvet lined watch box? Loan companies offer watch loans for as little as $1000 to over $150,000. That’s more than enough to tide you over.

Art work – You may not see the brilliance or meaning of that painting on your wall until you have it appraised or valued by a loan company. Just remember this: always get a second opinion on your appraisal. It’s best to get several appraisals because you’ll never know who’ll pay you higher for the item you have.

What other items do you have lying around the house that you feel have great value and will help you get a loan? Catch Biltmore on What’s it Worth AZ over at Sonoran Living Live,  send in pictures of your items and get appraisals for free!

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