Antique furniture has a certain charm that is incomparable to the products sold at IKEA or other places that sell contemporary furniture. In the age of DIY, and let’s face it, often disposable furniture, antiques are considered investment pieces. They instantly add character and a touch of nostalgia to any home.
However, there are a number of homeowners who hesitate to purchase antiques. The word “antique” often leads people to think aged, elderly, old, obsolete, and out-of-date, so it is not very surprising that not a lot of people are enthusiastic about antique furniture. After all, it does not seem very practical to spend your hard-earned money on something that is old, had seen better days, and possibly beyond repair. Aesthetically, it can be worrisome to purchase antique furniture as they might not go with the design of one’s living or work space. Of course, there’s also the issue of price. Antique furniture can be incredibly expensive, and it is commonly believed that the older it is, the more exorbitant the cost.
Here are some of the misconceptions that prevent people from purchasing antique furniture:
Antiques are difficult to find.
A lot of people seem to think that to score beautifully made antique, they have to travel to far-flung shops outside the country, like Morocco, France, India, and other distant countries. The good news is that now, more than ever, antique furniture has become accessible. In some cases, they are just a few clicks away on your laptop, or a few taps away on your phone.
There are numerous websites selling antique furniture, as well as listings on eBay and similar online shopping sites. Other websites worth checking are large classified ad sites, including Craigslist or Backpage. Most sellers post information about the items being sold, including their own contact details so you can reach out to them for any questions you may have regarding the furniture being sold. Keep in mind that you also have to factor in shipping cost when shopping for antiques online.
Antique furniture can be found in malls and antique shops in your neighborhood. Unlike in conventional stores, you get to meet the store owner who will want to work with you and will be willing to supply you with any information you may need. This also allows you to get good deals on the items you want to purchase, so you can be a repeat customer and get even better deals during succeeding visits. Of course, it always pays to check the reputation of the store and the owner to ensure that you really are getting your money’s worth.
Yard sales and antique sales are also good places to look for antique furniture. An estate sale means that everything in the house and property will be for sale, so you might stumble on some valuable finds. Yard sales, on the other hand, are places where unwanted items are sold for pennies on the dollar. Seasoned antique collectors frequent these places, as prices are usually negotiable. Cash works best when negotiating.
Antiques are very expensive because they’re old.
Another misconception is that antiques cost an arm and a leg. Furthermore, a lot of people do not know the real value of the particular item in a shop or online store. Not all antique furniture is very expensive. Some of them cost the same as brand new furniture, but the difference is that you are assured that the antique furniture is made from very strong materials because they have, after all, stood the test of time. Also, nothing beats purchasing an item that is storied and has a lot of memories attached to it.
If you are really looking to score a good deal, it is always wise to get to know the seller and negotiate a price that you can afford and are willing to pay. It also pays to have a good eye for detail. That dresser that’s gathering dust at the back of the display or that chair that doesn’t catch the eye of most shoppers might cost less than the “prime” commodities.
Antiques require a lot of repair work.
A lot of people hesitate to purchase antique furniture because they do not want to spend time or money in repairing parts that have been damaged. This is not always the case, because serious antique sellers make sure to keep their wares in very good condition so that they can be easily sold. To ensure that you are getting items that require little to no repairs, it is best to shop at antique stores or antique malls, where the items are generally well-maintained. While you might score better bargains at yard sales or estate sales, there is a risk that your items might require some repair work. If the item that you want requires some repair and you do not want to be the one to have it fixed, you can talk to the owner about having them repair the item for a fee. After all, they would know best how to fix the item they are selling.
Benefits of purchasing antique furniture
If you are still on the fence about purchasing antique furniture, consider these benefits:
- They are eco-friendly. Antiques are the ultimate recycled and reused items, and by purchasing an old piece, you get to reduce your carbon footprint. You are also extending the life cycle of an impressive, old item.
- Antique furniture is well-made. They are often made by hand and will definitely withstand the daily grind of modern life. Another plus is that they become more valuable with age, so you have the option to sell them at a higher price point.
- They are trend-proof. The designs of antique furniture are often classic and will always look good, regardless of the season. Plus, they add an instant dose of texture, energy, and personality to the overall look of your home. These old pieces can cast a new light on the newer pieces, and vice versa, and make interesting conversation starters with your guests.