Re-organize Your Home for Profit

living room
The start of the year or season is high time for thinking about decluttering, re-organizing, and simply paring down the belongings in your home to add space and to start a new, more organized leaf during the first quarter of the year. What you may not realize is that re-organizing and decluttering may actually be very profitable. Not only will you be able to trade in your possessions for money, but you might also just be surprised at how much some items you thought were junk happen to be!

Needless to say, the advantages of re-organizing your home for profit are simply endless. Not only will you be freeing up space in your home, you just might be surprised at how profitable it can be, especially when you know where to have items appraised, such as at Biltmore Loan and Jewelry.

It goes without saying that re-organizing your home for money involves finding out if the items you plan to cash in are worth anything. Here are a few handy guidelines to keep in mind when you are reorganizing your home for the purpose of making a profit.

Almost AnythingVintage Rene Lalique Frosted Glass Bird Vas

Establishments such as Biltmore Loan and Jewelry have accredited appraisal experts who can give you an accurate estimate of how much your items are. Basically, no matter what you find around the house be it Victorian jewelry, antiquarian books, vases, figures, porcelain, or pottery may be worth getting an appraisal. Even when you go through problems with maybe transporting large furniture pieces, the price these end up fetching may be well worth the effort ten times over.

Rare Means Valuable

When decluttering, check to see if you have any rare pieces. For instance, items such as handcrafted animals or unusual shapes may look like junk to you but may actually fetch the highest value.

Glass from the Prewar Era

When you look around your home and see a lot of glass, are these from the prewar era? If you see items that are by Lalique from that period of time, this indicates that Rene Lalique personally may have overseen and designed the pieces. Damage from over-polishing will lower the prices of your items. On the other hand, glass from the eighteenth century will always fetch a great price.

Old and Untouched Navajo Signed J. Curley Native American Hand Etched Red Clay Pottery Vase

If the items in your home happen to be both old and untouched, this fetches a higher price than those that have been restored. Finding useful, small pieces such as Regency or Georgian desks or drawer chests that are of good patina and color in walnut and you may be surprised at the price tag they entail.

Are Your Items Purchased from Dealers?

If you have a home filled with knick-knacks that include antiques, the first thing to ask yourself is whether or not the items were bought from a dealer established in the market. When you buy from dealers that are association members, you can be sure your item can bring in more dollars than you likely expect.