Host: Well if you have some items around your home you don’t necessarily need. Maybe just don’t want it anymore but you think they may have some value, Why not find out what it’s worth? This is David Goldstein from Biltmore Loan and Jewelry and today we are talking all kinds of things from native American jewelry to vintage instruments you have it all as always… so Good to see you.
Dave: We try to open our minds to a vast array of different products and today we gonna show you some things that are really familiar with Arizona.
Host: Right, I was gonna say native American jewelry is really something that a lot of family have it. Maybe perhaps inherited or you know or you just keep it forever and ever here.
David: Yeah, there really is so much in Arizona because of our Geographic location and the people here. So in native american jewelry you’ll see some things really gone passe and really dont get reused so to speak, or reworn, and there’s somethings that comes in cycles like concho belts and this is a smaller concho belts but Concho Belts are really fashionable today and you see women starting to comeback and wear them again and consequently there’s a lot of people that have them that aren’t wearing them
Host: Right
David: … the last generation so here’s now the newer generation is starting to pick up on this trends and starting to wear them. In native American jewelry some of the pieces can be signed and have quite a value to them, so what we try to do is bring that value to them and let people know what these things are worth
Host: And if it’s signed where would it be…. show us what it I would be like…
David: Yeah, as you can see inside of that ring you see the signature from the actual Silversmith or the actual native American that actually made this piece and some of these designers are no different from when we talk about vancleef and arpels and we talk about the cartier and gucci’s and Rolexes there’s some very fine native american silversmith who are very highly collect them and have very very large values.
Host: And for those who out there that are watching you know perhaps maybe going to your jewelry box and check it out because maybe they don’t realize that they have something maybe they say you know what, my mom gave me that it was handed down to her from her mother and it just been in there sitting in there collecting dust bring in it to you guys you will do the research on it for us and find the value.
David: Very similar to art you know it might have something 20years ago and now that artist is passed away and was not very in vogue that time and now it was very in vogue. So many times we do find signed pieces that you be really surprised how collectible they are.
Host: and this is one collector. How much is this for worth?
David: This ensemble is around 12 to 18 hundred dollars and there’s nobody here that’s really highly collectible..
Host: Ok
David: But there is one that is collectible, so what we really say to the people if you have something we really invite you to come in, we want you to look at and bring it in and have our experts to look at it and we will do the best we can do for you.
Host: Well, David and his team certainly enjoys looking at your items and they want to find out to give you the best value. So, email them a photo at [email protected] or give them a call there are two locations. Their Scottsdale office is at (480) 991-LOAN or their brand new Chandler location at (480) 705-LOAN. Walk-ins are welcome there. You can visit their website and you have amazing things coming up.