Hermes, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton are usually among the firsts to come to mind when one hears of the term “luxury.” After all, the three are considered by many to be the Holy Trinity of designer handbags. All are highly in demand, outrageously expensive, and remarkably stylish in their own unique ways.
Yet, while they seem to be almost equal in all categories, each brand also has its strengths and weaknesses. Naturally, some people can’t help but ask: which among them reign supreme? Whether you’re stamped on which brand to invest in or simply curious about the matter, here’s a few factors that’ll help you weigh which is the best among the three. Read on.
Hermes, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton: The Big Three
Hermes, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton are all high-fashion luxury brands. Aside from their astronomical prices, all three take pride in their superior craftsmanship, use of rare and quality materials, and high level of exclusivity. The last characteristic is especially important since the deliberate scarcity of luxury brands is what adds up to their value. They were purposely made to cater not to the general public but the ultra-wealthy or “the happy few.”
To date, Hermes, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton continue to dominate the field of luxury handbags. As the competition among these brands becomes as fierce as ever, consumers find it even harder to choose among them.
Comparing Hermes, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton
- Which is the most stylish?
Hermes, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton have their own styles, and which among them reign supreme in terms of appearance all depends on an individual’s personal preference.
If you value variety and love experimenting with colors, the best brand to go for is none other than Hermes. The brand has a reputation for its expertise in the dyeing process. Their high-quality leather bags can come in rich pink, blue, and even fiery tints of red. Consequently, Hermes brands are fun to mix and match with varying outfits. They come in different sizes, and the style choices are almost endless—no wonder the brand is very popular with fashionistas who are bold enough to mix and match colors.
Meanwhile, if you want a safer, more mature appeal, Louis Vuitton might just be your cup of tea. Its classic monogram design has evolved into an international symbol of fashion and luxury. One can easily spot this timeless design in a handbag and know that the wearer is part of the more privileged few. Louis Vuitton handbags also often come in large sizes, making them suitable for people who love to pack big.
Last but not least, Chanel handbags are also loved by many collectors due to their distinct regal appeal. Similar to Hermes, Chanel items also come in various colors. However, compared to Hermes, the latter is typically smaller in size, comes with high-gloss or sparkly features, and is generally more dramatic in terms of designs. Chanel handbags are the best fit for those who are quirky, playful, and always on the go.
- Which is the priciest?
All Hermes, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton are ultra-expensive. Yet, Hermes has been consistently declared to be the priciest among all. On average, a typical Hermes handbag will already cost you over $1800, and the price range continues to soar to a remarkable degree up to now. The Hermès Birkin bags, which are considered among the most expensive luxury handbags in the world, can cost you up to half a million dollars!
Meanwhile, although the Chanel classic flap bag will still cost you over $3000, they don’t balloon to a price range as high as Hermes. Likewise, the cheapest Louis Vuitton handbags can be scooped for at least $1,100 or more. While the price is still pretty heavy for the average consumer, the same still scores considerably lower compared to the typical Hermès handbags.
Overall, this makes Hermes the top luxury brand in terms of price. Many collectors often treat Hermes bags as fashion statements and as big investments.
- Which is the most popular?
The battle for supremacy between Hermes, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton continues to develop. As competition becomes fiercer, popularity among these top brands also varies from time to time. In a recent article by Who What Wear, the Hermes Birkin bags, Chanel’s classic quilted bag, and LV’s sophisticated Alma Bag are among the most popular designer handbags that have stood the test of time.
Sell or Loan Your Luxury Brands Here!
If you have luxury handbags sitting around your wardrobe, you may sell them to us here at Biltmore Loan and Jewelry. If you choose to sell your item, we will evaluate it first, name our price based on its features, conditions, and other factors, and give you immediate cash once the sale completes.
Aside from designer handbags, we also accept other luxury assets, such as authentic jewelry pieces, gemstones, rare coins, and more.
Simply visit our site or call us at 480-991-5626 or 480-705-5626 to know more!