Have you fallen behind on household bills? It can feel impossible to catch up, adding a lot of stress to your life, impacting your health and quality of life. Get further behind, and it will be more difficult to pay up as late fees add up. Whatever the reason you can't meet your financial obligations, you need to take action now! Get cash fast from Biltmore Loan and Jewelry, a leading provider of collateral high-value loans in Phoenix.

Our rates rival any and other pawn shops in Scottsdale.

Reasons to Get a Collateral Loan vs. Traditional Loans

Collateral determines
loan value.

The loan limit is often proportional to the value of your security asset, which is subject to change depending on various factors.

Low credit score?
No problem.

As long as your asset is of high value, having a low credit score will not disqualify you for a collateral loan.

A high-paying job
is not necessary.

Collateral lenders understand that loss of a job or a low salary could be the reason someone may seek a loan in the first place.

No complicated

All you need to get quick and easy money is a valid state-issued identification card (ID) and a high-value asset.

Immediate cash.

No checks, no money orders, no long waiting periods, no scams. If you accept our offer, you will have cash directly into your hands.

Pay lower interest rates.

Since collateral lenders will be keeping the security asset until a customer pays off their loan, the interest rates on collateral loans tend to be lower than traditional bank loans.

Biltmore Loan and Jewelry lives to serve Phoenix.
We will do everything in our power to help our fellow Arizonans during times of financial need.

Behind the Scenes at Biltmore Loan and Jewelry

Asset-Based Loans We Make

Anyone can experience financial hardships, especially during a pandemic or times of economic decline. When the bills pile up, the car breaks down, or the business fails, the good news is that you can recover with our help.

Get a quick loan in Scottsdale today. Our collateral lender gives competitive rates for the following high-quality assets:

Luxury Handbag, Car, Watch, and Jewelry

Biltmore Loan and Jewelry grants loans on several other valuables at the highest cash-to-dollar price. Send us an e-mail at [email protected] for more information on the different luxury items you can use as collateral for a land, business, or personal loan.

Our Quick and Transparent Collateral Loan Process

A collateral loan is one of the best ways to make money fast and in a matter of minutes. Here is how a collateral loan works:

  • Get in touch with us for an online appraisal
    If you would like to request a free online market appraisal, fill out the contact form found above this page with as many details as possible for an accurate estimate. One of our associates will respond to you in less than 24 hours.
  • Bring your high-value asset to one of our locations
    We also welcome walk-in clients. When you visit our office to get a loan in Scottsdale, bring with you any receipts, certifications, boxes, or accessories that came with your item. Having these can increase our cash offer and speed the authentication process.
  • Accept our offer and have cash in your hands
    After evaluating your high-end asset for authenticity, our appraisal specialist will give you a quote based on the quality of your item and market trends. Should you accept our cash offer, you will sign and receive a copy of your loan document, and you can walk away with cash in hand. The entire process can take less than an hour to complete.

You can always count on us for fast and
flexible collateral loans in Phoenix, AZ.

Get a Bad Credit Loan in Scottsdale, AZ

Phoenix residents have among the worst credit scores in the United States, according to a 2017 report by The Arizona Republic. From weekly groceries to monthly bills and annual taxes, the many expenditures necessary for basic daily living can make it easy to get poor credit scores. And, unfortunately, bad credit makes it difficult to get financing for the emergencies life may throw at you.

If you need money to make payments on a hospital bill or consolidate credit card debt but do not have a good enough credit score to acquire a bank loan — our collateral lenders are here for you. Biltmore Loan understands life's challenges and grants loans to people in Phoenix, AZ who have bad credit. Unlike traditional loans, we will look at you as a person and not focus on FICO's scoring system. Get approved for a loan with bad credit today.

CEO David Goldstein from Biltmore Loan and Jewelry

What Our Clients Say About Us

"Very refreshing to deal with professionals. Highly recommended! A+"

~ Stephanie G.

"I have done business with the owners of Biltmore Loan & Jewelry for the last 2 years and have also done business with their new location."

~ R.M. J.

"Great service, these guys are pros. Much appreciated!"

~ Mike M.

Become a client and get the money you need from Phoenix, AZ’s leading source of fast cash.

We are different from a typical collateral lender
or pawn shop in Scottsdale

When unexpected expenses rain on your parade, allow Biltmore Loan and Jewelry to help you find cover. You can count on us to treat you with utmost professionalism by providing an honest appraisal and keeping your item secure in our vault while your loan is active with us.

For more information regarding our high-value loans and collateral lending services, or if you are curious about the value of your luxury assets, you can discuss them with one of our associates using the contact details below.

Scottsdale: 480-991-5626
10830 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85254