Host: David Goldstein of Biltmore Loan joining us again talking about ways that his team can help you out of the financial slump with stuff that you may already have that you’re not just using anymore. And we talk about some really eclectic items that you brought in the first segment. Now you have native american jewelry, you do everything.
David: You know, I try to show a plethora of different types of product. And we get very unusual, very interesting things. But we’re so often compared to pawnshops and I really like to take a second to try to explain to people that the differences that there’s a place to go, there are restaurants and there are restaurants. and this is, if you’ve seen our office, if you’ve gone online and you’ve seen at the backdrop, you can see here pictures of our office. It’s a first-class experience for someone who has a situation that either wants to sell something, would like to borrow on something, would like to downsize or declutter. There are a lot of reasons of people come to us; it could be divorce, it could be death, we talk about those four D’s, you know, and there are a lot of reasons that, you know, I find myself at 57 years old after spending a long weekend with my wife and saying to her, “Maybe it’s time to downsize a little?”
Host: There’s a little of four D’s. So D is Downsizing, Death, Divorce, and Decluttering. So those are the things that we, that life….
David: And you know, we just accumulate things as we get older and we find, we’re not using it, no one’s wearing it anymore, this has been sitting in the garage, this has been sitting in the safe deposit box.
Host: Yes, like this belt, maybe you wore it in the 1980s but you’re not wearing it anymore.
David: Alright, and now there’s another part of the country that is wearing it, or another part of the world and we really find that market. What we don’t do is like any of these, I use the term competitors, we don’t do sales, we don’t do, “We’re gonna give you $50 more for your golds.”
Host: So those are red flags?
David: Those are really red flags because if somebody’s giving you $50 more for your gold, it just means that they are paying you $50 too little for an everyday basis.
Host: That’s true, because the market is what it is. Gold and silver is going for what it’s going for.
David: And it should be that way. And you know, I always say, for anybody’s been in this city for a long time, I like to consider myself like the Lou Grubb of loaning and valuing different types of items.
Host: And you do free evaluations, right?
David: Free evaluation. Come in, see one of our experts. I think you will see the Biltmore difference.
Host: And you have two locations? Scottsdale?
David: Scottsdale, walk-in now, our location been open for three years. We just open our newest ones which is now walk-in just in Scottsdale road, north of Shea. And we want you to come in and see the difference.
Host: Okay, so there’s somebody watching right now, David, they’re watching and they’re saying, “You know, I’ve had this item and I just, you know, it was handed down to me from my grandmother’s grandmother, I don’t know what to do with it.”
David: It could be a painting that’s been on your wall, and you had a great story from the grandmother, from the aunt, and it’s been handed over and maybe that’s a valuable painting that you could you to get you out of a financial jam and/or you’re not just using it. So there’s a lot of reasons you can come to us, we make it comfortable professional, and we won’t send a spokesperson to you, we don’t send a spokesperson, it’s a family-owned business. It’s me, it’s my team. So you’re not gonna see a spokesperson telling you what we do well or what we don’t do well. You’re gonna see me and my team when you come in and we’re gonna give you the honest facts.
Host: And I have been in your office and you guys will do the leg work. You will dig, I’ve seen you looking in books, and then online to really find out the value.
David: We love it. And when we can give somebody a bare good news. There’s nothing more fun for us.
Host: Alright, so let’s give you some good news. You can easily contact David and his team to find out how much your items are worth. Give them a call for that free evaluation. The website: [email protected]. That’s when you can, if you snap a photo, they’ll look at your pictures, too. They could get the ball rolling as well. Two locations: Scottsdale | (480) 991-5626 is the Scottsdale Office. You can also visit their website and if you wann buy some of the items that you’re seeing David featured today, you can go to