Designer handbags are accessories that fuel luxury brands. Because of intricate craftsmanship, quality materials, and timeless style, designer handbags are valuable fashion staples, and you can tap that value and liquidate it into cash. Here’s how.
How Can I Sell Designer Handbags or Use them as Collateral for a Loan?
Quick Answer: Take them to Biltmore Loan and Jewelry.
Biltmore Loan is a buyer and lender of significant assets, including designer handbags. If you have a purse, tote, wallet or clutch from signature brands, you can sell them to us or use them as collateral for a loan.
Some of the luxury handbags we accept are from the following brands:
The Biltmore Loan Guarantee
Biltmore Loan is a reputable business that engages in purchasing and granting asset-based loans. We ensure excellent service through:
Get a free appraisal
Do you want to know how much value you can tap from your designer handbag? Fill up Biltmore Loan’s form for a free appraisal of your items. Walk-Ins are also welcome in their two offices in Arizona. You are also free to call us anytime for any concerns or questions. Our team will be more than happy to assist you.
Scottsdale: 480-991-5626
Designer brand items and unique collectibles
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